What We Do
Register for a FREE U.S Address
Create a Ship Mind account to get a FREE U.S. address
Shop Online
Shop your favourite U.S. online stores using the FREE U.S address provided.
Submit a Pre-alert
Let us know when your package is on its way to our Miami fulfilment center.
Receive or Pick Up Package
Pick up packages from your selected Ship Mind store or right from your front door.
Who We Are

How We Work

#1 Register
Register with us for an online account and get your FREE Florida address. Registration takes just 1 minute and it is absolutely free.
#2 Shop on your own
Shop at your favorite online stores and get fast delivery to Jamaica with unbeatable rates.
#3 Track your packages
We will keep you informed with up to date tracking of all your packages
Ship Mind will get your package to you in record time and we will always keep you in mind!